Full Bike Fit

The Full Bike Fit ensures that you leave in the optimal position and with the correct shoe setup.

The Full Bike Fit is the most popular service and is suited for all cyclists from commuters and social riders to racers and triathletes.

Every cyclist is unique. It is therefore important to understand your history, your current goals and where you ought to be. We will grab a coffee and review your injury history, any discomfort you experience and clearly define your cycling goals and expectations from the session.

From this interview, we will have all the relevant information to perform the body positioning and foot activation sessions. We will adjust the setup of the bike such as saddle height, saddle fore and aft, reach and drop. We will also check for the optimal saddle and handlebar width. The pedal interface will also be completely reviewed and optimised. This is an important part of the process as this contact point is the most overlooked part of a bike fit and can be the cause of many issues such as knee or saddle discomfort.

The final step consists in recording all the changes, providing the recommendations to get to the optimal position and an extensive report will be kept in our servers and a copy sent to you for your records. This will allow us to retain your complete history for working on your optimal position in the future.

Remember that bike fitting is a process, not an event. as your body and physical abilities change, your position will change too. It is therefore important to review the position on a regular basis to make sure the position is kept optimal.

Take your cycling to the next level!
Comfort is key to delivering the maximal power and being therefore fastWIN / WIN!