Bike Fit Services

Bike Fit

Focus on the core components of bike fitting:
Extension, Flexion, and Balance.
Addresses the major concerns within the given time frame.
2h – £125

The essential adjustments

Premium Bike Fit

Individually tailored, our Premium Bike Fit
enhances comfort, performance, and injury prevention
through personalised position, saddle, and feet analysis.
4h – £220

The perfect option for the ultimate setup

Bike Fit (2h)Premium Bike Fit (up to 5h)
Pre-fit questionnaire
History & injury overview
Review goals and expectations
On & off the bike assessment
Cleat positioning
Insole fitting & testing (insoles are extra)
Sizing stem & sizing handlebar (bike permitting)
Summary of the session
Basic bike measurements
!! Saddle Pressure Mapping !!
!! Crank Length testing !! (bike permitting)
!! Saddle testing !! (if needed)
Complete feet measurements
Shoe fit assessment and recommendations
Foot comfort optimisation
Shifter adjustments
Videos of the session available on request
In-depth report
Complete bike measurements
Discounted follow-up consulations