
Pre Full Bike Fit Call

30min – £20*

*Credited against a Full Bike Fit
if booked within 7days

Is a bike fit right for me?
What will I get out?
Will I notice a difference?

Not sure about getting a Full Bike Fit? Let’s answer all of your questions so that you can make an informed decision.

Full Bike Fit

The Full Bike Fit ensures that you leave in
the optimal position and with the correct shoe setup.
5h – £220

The perfect option to get the ultimate setup

  • Improve overall comfort, help prevent cycling injuries
  • Reduce or eliminate:
    • back, knee, neck, wrist and foot pain
    • saddle discomfort and genital numbness
    • numbness in the hands and fingers

All in one:
Body Positioning + Foot Activation

Foot Activation

Guarantees the greatest power transfer
while reducing discomfort and saddle pressure
2h – £125

Pedal interface optimisation

  • Shoes and foot assessment to check for correct fit
  • Cleat location and adjust if necessary
  • Assess arch support and offer footbed if needed
  • Use of wedges (inside/outside of the shoes)
  • Shims as required

Most important and most overlooked
part of a bike fit

Follow-Up Full Bike Fit

If you had a “Full Bike Fit” before, book a follow-up
session 12 months after your original booking.
2h – £100

Keep your Bike Fit up to date

  • Review of the comfort on the bike
  • Discuss any changes since the previous fit
  • Assess the exisiting position
  • Try new setup to optimise comfort
  • Adjust the position as needed

Bodies change and adapt overtime,
fine tune or revisit your fit regularly

Body Positioning

Setting up the body in the optimal position
to ride harder for longer while being comfortable
3h – £125

Body position optimisation

  • Saddle height, setback and tilt
  • Handle bar reach, height and width
  • Cleat position and knee alignment
  • Recommendation of new components if needed
  • Summary of fit and measurements

Improve comfort, ride faster
and gain power